Sky replacement on aerial photo

I am looking to some technics to use for "sky replacement" when doing 360 aerial pictures.

Let say that I am tilting my camera toward the ground to capture the ground below the horizon line.

But in this case, the sky will not be completely captured, which is normal. I can use a gimbal to point camera on different tilt angle, but I am not really interested on sky quality, but the ground.

I know some people are using "sky replacement", as adding another genetic sky, be removing the existing (or missing, or incomplete) one, and adding a new sky.

Usually they use Photoshop.

Any idea?

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  • sky replacement is pretty common and fairly easy to do with photoshop.  Basically, create a new layer underneath your photo.  Mask out the sky in the original photo and put a sky replacement in the layer that is underneath.  

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