Solid Red LED A when switching on APM 2.5

My APM 2.5 is behaving very strangely. When connecting it to power (battery or USB) the APM will flash between LED A(red) and C(blue) for a second or 2 and then LED A wil turn solid RED.


When connecting to Mission Planner it retrieves the MAVlink and parameters and immediately jumps to the Flight planning section and attempts to read Waypoints which fails. When I go to the flight data screen the HUD shows no GPS and neither the Compass or Accellerometer seems to work.


Nothing out of the ordinary happened to the hardware. What could have caused this?

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  • Admin


    Save your vehicle parameters and then using the Terminal Mode and CLI, do a reset, erase, and then reload your parameters and see if that helps correct the situation.


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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