solo crash

After spending 3 days reading and downloading apps, I thought I was ready to fly my solo. Went out in the yard and set solo on the ground. (Level ground). I tapped the fly button and the motor started. When I tapped the fly button again, the drone flipped over. Before I could shut the motors down, the four propellers were destroyed. I don't  think I did anything wrong.anyone have any ideas. 's sure could use some help.

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  • 3D Robotics

    Please contact tech support ( Also the app will automatically create a trouble ticket for you that will upload the logs to see what happened. 

    • Have sent 3 emails to tech support but no reply from them. What do I have to to get the latest app  or find out which one I'm  using. Thanks for your help

      • 3D Robotics

        Go to Settings/System Info and it will show the app version. 

        Updates should be automatic. 

        If you can PM me your email address I can escalate the tech support

    • 3D Robotics

      BTW, the latest app (Solo v2.1.0) catches the condition that can cause such an error. Is that the one you're using?

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