Have had no luck at all with sonar, but being an idiot, I am not giving up. I just bought one of the higher end Maxbotix sensors that I have been told handle noise much better and am trying to figure out how best to mount it on my quad. I know we are supposed to keep it away from ESCs and the FC - I assume this means keep it away from the wires to the motors from the ESCs as well? I have a bit of a logistics issue since the quad I want to put it on has a folding frame so any permanent mount that bridges the arms won't work.
What have others done?
Hello, this is Tom Bonar from MaxBotix Inc.
I have seen that you are having problems with mounting one our sensors on your multi-copter. We have recently done testing of our sensors on quad-copters for mounting and which sensors are the best for quad-copter applications. After engineer testing, it has been determined that the best sensors for use on a mulit-copter are the MB1240, MB1340, and MB1242. Other sensors will work, but these sensors have the best performance with all the interference that quad-copters can create. These interferences include: air turbulence, electrical noise, and acoustical noise created by the quad-copter propellers.
It is recommended when using our sensors with quad-copters to use a shielded cable such as our MB7954 http://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB7954.htm and a power supply filter such as our MB7961 http://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB7961.htm. The MB7954 shielded cable helps protect the signal the sensor outputs from EMI that can be caused by other electrical components on the quad-copter such as the motors. The MB7961 helps stabilize the power that is supplied to MaxSonar sensors. Supplying clean power to the sensor is required for best sensor performance. Conversely unclean power can negatively affect the sensor’s range readings.
In the next several weeks, we hope to finalize a report of our testing and post it on our website as an article (including sharing on DIY Drones).
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Tom Bonar
Technical Support
of MaxBotix Inc.
Phone: (218) 454-0766
Fax: (218) 454-0768
Email: thomas@maxbotix.com
Web: www.maxbotix.com
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