SONAR SRF08 with arducopter

I have a SRF08 sonar and am running the arducopter ver 2.3 due to limitations of my atmega1280 APM board. Could you tell me how do i configure my sonar for arducopter because it is not one of the types copatible with the APM. When I however tried testing the sonar in APM planner's terminal i get  a constant reading of say 

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

485 cm

something like this. 

Any suggestions regarding which part of the code needs to be tweaked would be greatly helpful.


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  • Hello all... I modified my code for the srf08 sonar, but the thing is I still cannot get it working. My code compiles all good, but the after the mavlink connection the APM planner doesn't respond the same, e.g, the radio callibration mode isn't working, and other stuff. I don't understand this, because I just changed the part of the code which was meant for the sonar, and did nothing to the other stuff... 

    Please help! I know it's quite an off the track attempt, but I just need to get this one working...

    Thanks. I am posting my code alongwith.

    arducopter modified.rar
This reply was deleted.


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