Sporadically no input on channel 2 - PPM problem ?

Hi everyone,


after updating my gps to 1.6 - and uploading the latest software to the APM - I am having problems with the radio test:


Sporadically I see no input on channel 2 (counting 1-8) which represents pitch/elevation (or IN1 on my APM 1.0 Board). All other channels seem to work O.K.

(Hardware: APM1.0+Oilpan, Rx-9 Synth IPD, Mediatek 1.6. No external power, just usb to APM .Mx16-s transmitter)


When that happens, the value for channel2 (or IN2 in the radio test output) does not change if I move the elevator stick. If I unplug the connector to the receiver, and plug in a servo, the servo moves.Plugging in the APM - no input (once the I got input after plugging in the APM again - but not reproducable).


Could this be the dreaded ppm problem? I would like to know before I buy the AVR ISP MKII.






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  • Problem solved:  I reprogrammed my APM like described in the manual "Programming the Atmega328p (PPM encoder/failsafe) the easy way", using W7-64, and the AVR ISP MKII.


    Everything seems OK now - the servos run smooth, no more jitter, respond as they should.


    Thanks for the help Martin !


    PS: just did one test, the servos are behaving normally now. Still have to test the input on channel2 (the problem was just sporadical) some more.

  • Distributor
    Hello P D,

    It does not sound like the brown out issue from the way you have described the issue. However the easiest way to tell if it a brown out issue is to run the radio set up in the cli with the servos connected and then record the results, then do the same again with out connecting the servos, one again record the figures you have seen, paste the results up here and mark which was with and which was without the servos connected. This will let us know it you need to flash the firmware.


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