So i just bought a Proto X quad Nano Quad on my visit to the United States.
This is my first quad and I've had quite a lot of fun flying it around the house. However because its very cheap, its usually not very stable in flight (making it hover in a place took quite a lot of practice). As a project, I want to stabilize it such that it remains pretty much at one position in space.
I want to use a camera pointed at the quad as a feedback to automatically send signals to make it hover at one point. The raspberry pi camera takes a picture, detect the quad in the image and send feedback signals to the quad. In a future project, i could use maybe use it as a method for indoor navigation.
How feasible is this project? How do i detect the quad in the image reliably (it has four glowing LEDs I could use maybe) . Is the raspberry pi fast enough to do this? Any other help is highly appreciated. Thank You.