Stability tuning

I'm flying a quad using 4108 480kv motors with 15 x5.5 props, APM 2.5, Arducopter 3.0 and mission planner 1.2.60.  The quad was very stable with 12 x 4.5 props but with the 15s not so much.  It acts twitchy at hover and has a wicked oscillation on rapid decent.

This is what I've done so far and I would appreciate some input as to whether or not I'm heading in the right direction.

Lowered Stabilize R/P P from 4.5 to 4.2

Lowered Rate R/P P from .1400 to .1200

I'm not sure how much change I can get away with before it decides auger itself into the ground.


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  • Billy,

    I've had a similar experience. I've also found that jumping from 4.5 to 4.2 is a huge jump for my hexacopter as the props get bigger. Follow this guide in the link below and more specifically watch the video halfway down the page. If you really want to nail the tuning you'll need to use your radio to calibrate those values.

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