Still missing something in setup…

All first attempts at flight are unsuccessful. I am running APM 2.5 Quad “X” with V2.8.1 and latest Mission Planner. I have checked motor test and all four motors turn correct direction for “X” and follow sequence during testing. Mission planner confirms Quad in “X” config. Radio calibrates OK.  I have gotten the machine light on the skids and verified that yaw is reversed. I corrected this in “Advanced Parameters” by reversing RC4. Now yaw is correct on light skids. Pitch and Roll are weird to the point I can’t determine if either are right. Machine doesn’t lift off correctly and is uncontrollable in low hover.


Here’s what I have done… Yaw is OK so I leave it alone. I have made a matrix table for pitch and roll as follows –

Pitch        Normal       Reverse      Normal      Reverse

Roll          Normal       Reverse      Reverse    Normal 

Yaw         Reverse     Reverse      Reverse    Reverse


None of the above combinations allow a flyable machine. I’m using a Spektrum DX8 in Acro mode with no mixing and all channels set to normal (no reversing). Man, this is like pulling teeth. Any help appreciated…

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  • Do you have "Simple" mode checked in your flight modes?  You might want to un-check this while testing.  It translates pitch and roll inputs depending on the heading (yaw).  This had me confused for about an hour until I realized it.

  • 3D Robotics

    With multicopters you should reverse channel at your RC transmitter, not at the APM level. That's why we disabled the reverse checkboxes in the MP for copters. 

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