Storm32 3D Brushless Gimbal Help Needed

I have purchased a 3D brushless Gimbal that uses the Storm32 BGO controller. I recently connected the Gimbal to my PC, using a standard USB cable. The driver was recogized, port read then attempted to use the OllieW o323BGCTool_v070.exe tool, to shake hands with the board and read it's current values.

I did this as I've been able to supply power to my Gimbal and have allowed it do complete it's self configuration (indicated by a beep when completed) however, when "trialing and erroring" the S1 and S2 connections to the board, the board stopped responding and dropped connection with the PC.

The board no longer shakes hands with a PC. The video I've recorded of the current board status (red beeping light) can be seen via

Hoping someone can assist me with this vital issue as once this is remedied, I'm then onto issue #2, where do the Ground, S1 and S2 connections from my Quanam Nova get connected to the Storm32 board. The power was easy to figure out as they're connected to the 12v pin set.

Thank you in advance to anyone that can assist or provide some insight.



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  • Moving on from here, there are several little gotchas if you don't read-reread docs in their entirety.

    Gimbal Config Tool: One of the instructions on training the gimbal is not very clear: Pitch- Connect the battery then tip the entire gimbal 45deg.  What is not clear is they you need to keep the camera level; do not tip the camera 45deg.

    If you are using a 3S Batt do not do the config with a full charged battery. Discharge down to < 11V.

    And, here are some items that seems to be part of the black art of the Storm32:


    If you are using the I2C and NOT the NT version you can only upgrade the firmware to v .96.

    To upgrade you must use the GUI that is packaged with the firmware version.

    That all I have for now.

    I am about to post on troubleshooting.

  • Did you ever get a solution?

    As far as I know, you must use a USB-TTL device to talk to the Storm32. I bought one off Amazon for $7. Here is link:

    I think all Storm32 documentation is fragmented as no one has cleaned up the old stuff. There should be 2 separate product names as it is all Storm32 and the new one has an NT designator.

    Anyway on the USB-TTL here is some info that ill make you life easier:

    GND to GND

    TX to RX

    RX to TX  

    The device should show up as MAXPeak  Settings are: baud  115200, Parity Even default the rest.

    In Win 10 in Device Mgr find the USB Port under USB Controllers and find the USB Serial Converter- In advanced check the  Load VCP. That is what gives you the Virtual Port Connection.

    This should at least get you connected to the USB-TTL correctly.


    Robot Check
  • Developer

    I can't help much because i just tried to get my storm32 board recognized and failed so far. I think i have to give the full read at rcgroups a go.



    storm32 rcgroups - Google-Suche
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