Im at a loss here. I did all the research I could find and I havent been able to find what I am looking for. I have a Naza M flight controller and the STorM32 2 axis gimbal from goodluckbuy. I have a Taranis with channel 10 mapped to the right side lever My connections are going over the S-Bus but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to control the gimbal from the remote. 

I have my gnd and rc-0 going to channel 2(10) on the receiver's signal and - pins, configured my receiver for 16 channels, re-did the binding for the transmitter for mode 4, and configured the gimbal according to the wiki. I am still unable to control via transmitter. What am I doing wrong? <-- setup pics (the pic of the pins show that there is nothing connected, but wanted to confirm that the top row, from left to right is ground and RC0.)

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