Strange behavior in Auto mode


I have a quad copter with tmotor air gear 350 combo pack esc and motors and with pixhawk 3.4.6 autopilot.

2 days ago my copter had a very strange behavior and as it was in auto mode for mapping at a turn it suddenly lost about 7-8 meters height and have a very strange behaviour in the air with hi changes in pitch and roll and after few seconds it continuous its flight again normaly and in the 2 turns again it makes the same behavior so I was afraid and I use the RTL command and its lands OK.

The wind was generally calm but because its high on the mountains sometimes suddenly winds.

I check (as I understand) the flight log but I cant understand whats the problem.

Could anyone read the log and explain what went wrong?

Thanks in advance


2017-10-17 18-12-14.rar

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