Strange rudder movement orientation in stabi mode.

Yesterday i made my first APM airborn test. Before that i did also CLI radio setup.

The flight in stabilization mode was ok. As i don't use rudder often i didn't notice that rudder moved inverted - motion of rudder stick to left moved rudder to the right. Anyway it happened because of i inverted the rudder channel with DIP switch. I inverted it because  on ground setup i noticed that after i do roll the airplane to the left (left wing tip goes down) ailerons do correct contra movement but the rudder went to the left too and vice versa. And this seems to be abnormal to me.

Every time i fly any aircraft and do roll (e.g. left) i must do contra with rudder (here right). Otherwise aircraft falls down because in this flight mode the only uplift is produced by fuselage and the fuselage must have positive pitch angle by its left side.

So i would like to ask - how should move APM the rudder when the airplane rolls e.g. to the left?


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