Strapdown IMU

Dear all,

   I'm a student at Hochschule Bremen and I'm working with matlab/simulinkon these days but I got an error in the simulink model which is about
a strapdown inertial navigation system. The error says "Derivative input 1
of 'test/v_z_b1' at time 3.628075 is Inf or NaN. Stopping simulation.
There may be a singularity in the solution. If not, try reducing the step
size (either by reducing the fixed step size or by tightening the error
tolerances)". I tried to solve it by many ways but unfortunately I couldn't.
   Could you please help me or guide me for a suggestion to solve this error.
I've attached the simulink and matlab files and to run it, you have first to 
type data_tr0 to run in the command window of the matlab program and then 
type 100 which means 100 Hz after that open vect2bfn and test simulink files
run them respectively. 

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best wishes,

    Saleh Al-Harrasi 


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  • Hi sir .
    I am ramanatha studying m tech.Could you please help me, I want your help on strapdown and its matlab simulink codes. I am doing project on hexacopter. My email id :

    Please send me any pdf files regarding stradown concept and its matlab simulink
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