STROM32 v1.32 cannot connect to the PC

I have a gimbal which had a blown BGC so I decided to upgrade to STORM32. My first step was to connect to the PC using USB. Nothing. 

I looked at the wicki and it suggested that the USB was for show and FTDI was needed. I used the Arduino FTDI hack to achieve this but got not connection. All I get is :

Connecting... Please wait!
v... v0.90
Read... ABORTED!
The connected controller board or its firmware version is not supported!
Retry with GUI version v0.90

Please do first a read to get controller settings!

If I can't connect I can't read. I tried 0.96 firmware and 2.2. Nothing. 

It looks like I am the first ever to have this problem since hours of research have achieved nothing. I must have missed something. 

Any thoughts?


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