After Jason's suggestion about checking balance and motor angles, My yaw weirdness seems to be solved.  I just switched back from NG RC2 to 2.23 beta in + configuration (easier than converting back to x for now) and I  test flew.  What was critical for me (as suggested by the new balance/motor title help text in the Arducopter manual troubleshooting section - which talked about twisting the arms) was watching the rotation of the copter on initial throttle.  I had messed with my motor angles by eyeballing the prop shaft with respect to the frame and noticed immediately on throttle up that my right rotation now changed into left rotation. I eyeballed the motor angles again and adjusted my over compensation and on the next throttle up and the yaw locked in nicely. Flew one pack in stabilize and simple mode and spot on.  I didn't change to the older yaw option, but just did a default download through Mission Planner of the code, and a standard setup. What a difference.


It was fairly gusty, but both simple and stabilize were working great for me.  The other thing that worried me was my balance - since as the photo shows is non standard with a tilt/pan video camera mount/Remzibi OSD and video transmitter/antenna stalk mounted on the other side to keep my video antenna away from the core electronics.  I was really worried I'd have to rethink my video configuration, but my current config flew great. No balance changes required. Thanks to Jason and Chris for the advice and support time.  I didn't realize/worry about motor angles on the previous NG RC2, but is certainly is important with 2.x.


Now on to getting my Mavlink to Ardustation ground antenna(ReadyMadeRC tilt/pan) positioning code NG RC2 working with 2.x. I also have an onboard  Mavlink to Remzibi OSD converter using the same code coming soon. A frame grab from the NG RC2 below. (Hopefully I can give back some to the community).




Sequence 01_15759.jpg

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  • 3D Robotics
    Glad to hear it! Many thanks for the update...
  • 3690872254?profile=original3690872270?profile=originalArducopter with title/pan video and Remzibi OSD, and image of Remzibi OSD with output from Arducopter NG RC2
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