Suggestions for Cameras on Custom Drone Rig Build

Hello - I'm researching camera options for a custom rig I'd like to build for precision ag and general surveying. I see a lot of people are using the following...just wondering if there's any other good options I may be missing.

Sony QX1

Canon S100/S110

Panosonic GH4



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  • We use a sony a5000 and a6000 with a 20mm or 16mm lens.  The mono trigger works exceptionally well. If you are doing NVDI then you might consider something different.

    • I think the a5000 is the same or similar to the NEX5n?  When using the NEX5 in NADIR the camera places some sort of trigger in the EXF data that randomly flips the image, do you have this problem?

      Not a big deal but Pix4D and PTGui both have trouble with this even if I flip the images to the correct orientation with LightRoom.  There doesn't appear to be any way to turn this feature off on the camera, how do you deal with it?

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