Hi All,
I was wondering if someone would be able to shed some light on this issue.
We have an X8 copter and are trying to fly very accurate (RTK GPS) low altitude (~5m) small scale missions planned using Auto WP > Survey (Grid) with very high side and forward overlap. The side overlap is no problem, but we're unable to achieve sufficient forward overlap (80%) using DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL, as Mission Planner seems to limit triggers to a separation of no less than 4m (when travelling along each flight line). At this altitude, we require triggers to be under 1m apart.
When increasing the forward overlap %, the "dist between images" value decreases as expected to less than 4m, but the trigger points on the map are never closer than 4m, and as a result we don't get enough overlap.
I found this post https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/photo-numbers-in-survey-grid/9751/2 but not sure if it's still relevant as we can get spacing less than 10m, just not 4m?
Ideally we'd like to be able to capture an image every ~25cm along a flight line. We've tried CAM_TRIGG_DIST as well, but it appears to be limited to a minimum distance of 1m. If anyone could shed some light on how to overcome this it would be much appreciated.
Using Mission Planner 1.3.59 and 3.5.7 X8 octocopter, and a very low res camera hence the need for low altitude.
Many thanks in advance.