Surveying a valley with a UAV?

Hello. I'm looking into capturing imagery of an upland area and valley with a UAV.

I'm in the flight planning stage and was wondering what would be the best way to survey it.

Would it best to be perpendicular to the valley slope or would I be better to survey across it?

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  • Thanks once again for your help in this.

  • Great thanks guys. Actually now I've posed the question I've had a look at the area on google earth and is it in fact a double valley. I've attached an email to this posting. I guess as long as I keep to the upper areas I should be okay.

    The problem I'm going to have is that the law in my country states that the UAV must be no further than 500m from the pilot. So my main concern is that I will have to launch it from further down the valley sides which will increase the risk of crashing. Does anyone have any recommendations here for best practice?

    I'm going to be using a fixed wing by the way.

    I guess yet again launch from a high as elevation as possible and fly perpendicular to the valley walls.

  • T3

    Hi Mark,

    if overlap and sidelap are similar there should be no difference for generating an orthophoto - or?

    If you are aiming at a 3D model you might additionally fly across the valley with the camera pointing to the slopes.



  • Moderator

    Perpendicular with turns into the valley

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