Switch to guided mode failed(no response or rtl)

i have tried swtich to guided mode from loiter mode using the RC transmitter.but it does not always work.sometimes it works and the pixhawk can accept commands from the companion.however, it may also switch to rtl mode(it seem that some kinds of failsafe)or just stay in loiter(no response)further,when switch from loiter to guided using my rc transmitter,what occures?Any one could give me some hints on how to figure out why it does not response and why the failsafe occure.ths

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  • Thanks you for you attention, attached is the log file.

    Cala said:

    It´s usefull to help if you share a .log 

    2017-07-07 15-58-41.bin

  • It´s usefull to help if you share a .log 

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