T-Frame hexa - cheap and easy to build? Any disadvantages?

Hi all.I really like the arm spread of coaxial multicopters and I converted my Old hexa to a Y6 with some DIY motor mount plates (first wood, but i switched a pair with aluminum and i think i will continue using aluminum plates)Now I am working on my own Frame design and am experimenting with a T shaped frame.My first frame prototype was very easy to build and seemed very rigid, so I continued designing a two deck version which. I am about to build this month. This time, I plan to mount the electronics and get this thing in the air.Since there are very few T-shaped frames here, i wonder if there are any obvious problems or disadvantages with this kind of frame?Kind regardsTimm




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  • I applaud your DIY mindset and encourage you to continue with the idea. You are using some of my favorite materials.

    T might be considered a modified Y configuration. It is certainly simpler regarding construction.

    It does not look like you planning a tilting section for yaw control -- often the case with Y configs.

    Plates and tube, there are many ways to use them.


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