Tarot 650 doing "endo's"

Guys…….Your help would really be appreciated.

I’ve just finished building a Tarot 650 – with the flowing kit attached – 17” Tiger props – 380 kv Tiger motors – 25 amp Maytech ESC’s – NAZA M V2 flight controller – Devo RX 1002 receiver.

“Motor rotation and prop orientation checked and correct”

Everything has checked out OK until todays 1st “tethered” flight. The motors all rotated OK at tickover, as I increased the throttle the whole thing did a rapid 360 degree flip. (Lucky no real damage).

The TX and NAZA settings were copied across from a DJI 450 with 10” props and 880 kv Maytech motors.

Any ideas? Or pointers to similar previous threads?

Cheers Pete.

Tarot 650 15.03.2014.MOV

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  • If the motors are all rotating in the correct direction, and the correct props are on the correct motors, and it still wants to flip, try looking at the outputs to the ESCs. It's very easy to accidentally swap an output channel.

    • Cheers Crady, thanks for the feedback.

      Will check in the morning. If I'd swapped the ESC output for the 2 clockwise rotating motors would it give this violent reaction?.....I think you may have something.

      Also would incorrect gain settings make a large unstable reaction like this?

      Cheers Pete.


      • Hey Pete,

        Yes, both could definitely cause wild behavior.  Make a note of your PIDs for pitch and roll and then set them to zero before you begin again.  After the cause of the violent pitching is sorted slowly increase your Ps until the reactions reach a sweet spot.


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