Tarot 650 pixhawk


I need your help, I am lost ! and gave up already

I have Tarot 650 , with pixhawk  , my cousin have the same configuration and it works for me, I have issue

I used to fly !! everything was ok

I have to replace one of the motor ( is it spinning the right direction , so no errors here)

the problem is , It wont take of at 50% thrust anymore! ( it used to, and it work for my cousin )

after i take off, he I have to keep increasing the power to maintain the altitude, and I will reach 100% thrust, and he will slowly start going down !!,   

I uploaded flight log, , 

I tested few different firmware, I calibrated it many time, 

i just dont know anymore !

2015-09-20 16-03-15.bin

2015-09-20 15-12-23.bin

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