Hey Guys,

I posted once before with no response, so trying my luck once more. I can't find any text/discussion on this problem, but I have been using the tarot T-2D gimbal and I am able to control the tilt using the top left side knob provided by the 3DR receiver. However, I can only tilt down and not back up.

Very frustrating.

Would really appreciate some insight in this matter



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  • 3701972417?profile=originalconnect to mission planner, go to initial setup > optional hardware > Camera gimbal > and check settings

    • I searched all over YouTube and found nothing on this problem.  Searched Google and came up with this topic.

      Thank you, this helped me out.  I don't know why it started messing up on me.  The only difference was my Servo Limits max setting.  It was set to 1535.

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