Taxing problem in TAKEOFF mode for AP v 2.7.1

Yello people,
Im trying to use a AP 2.7.1 and Ardupilot2Sim v0.44 to complete AUTO simulation.
And then I try to do that I have a problem by takeoff phase.
I found a solution for previouse version AP 2.7. There was the same problem. And the cure was get a more big rude сoefficient at ground running phase. (As I suggest rude and steering weel has the same interface to Xplane but at the groung plane has to get more high rude reaction. My сoefficient on the ground was 2.0 in Ardupilot2Sim)
But AP 2.7.1 has a lot of changes compare with AP 2.7

Weather is off in Xplane config.
Please see a pic for details.

Thanx for any comments.


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