Telemetry Confusion

Hi all,

I'm a bit confused by telemetry setup. I'm about to buy a Turnigy 9X


and wanna put telemetry on my quad. I'm reading a lot about these telemetry mods for the 9x, but are those necessary or is that just if I want the info to show up on the radio itself rather than a laptop?

I'm going to be connecting to an HKpilot32, and on Ardupilot it recommends the FrSky D4R and DJT module to use with the 9x. I was looking at this combo, but i can't find if it has CPPM for the HKpilot ( If not I'll just get the D4R. 

Anyway, is that all i need? Just the D4R and the DJT module? I don't care to put the info on my Tx right now as I am fine with just using a laptop or tablet.


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