With APM2.5, I can't seem to get the full Telemetry data to flow out of the Telemetry port. With USB connected I get full telemetry through the USB port, but with power supplied to the input rail (USB not connected), I only get the MAVLink heartbeat, not the attitude data etc out of the Telemetry port. 

I tried to cut the MUX bridges, to see if it was a power or arming issue, supplying the board with power through USB, but still, only the heartbeat comes out of the telemetry port, nothing else.

Any suggestions?

Sidenote, I am modifying telemetry software, so it could be a software bug I have introduced. However, the software works fine on my APM2.0 board. If there are any MAVLink settings that change due to the slightly different hardware, that would be good to know about. 



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  • 3D Robotics

    That's almost certainly your own code misbehaving. Load one of the standard firmware versions to confirm. 

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