Telemetry data sent to FrSky receiver

Is there a way to pull telemetry data from APM 2.6 and send to my FrSky telemetry capable receiver?  I realize telemetry is normally sent via Tx/Rx to the Mission planner GCS, but the FrSky telemetry viewer seems to be a quicker/lighter solution.  It looks like the 5 wire APM telemetry output would have to  somehow connect to the receiver.  If I haven't described it well then, then search for FLD-02 display screen.


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    • Thank you paul,

      Thinking of using a teensy on both sides to see if I can get the information on a tablet or computer on the base station side out of a jxt module

  • I'm interested in knowing if any progress was made along these lines. I've switched from using an APM board to Pixhawk connected to an FrSKY X8R radio using sbus. In theory I'm sending up to 16 channels of control signals to the receiver, but I don't know if anything of value is coming back. I am only configuring the first 8 channels to do anything right now because that's what I can mess with in Mission Planner.

    • would like to do the same. the FrSKy has better range than the 3drradio and would like streamline where possible

  • Yes, not the 16 channel receiver though. You can use the connection where the sensor hub plugs into, NOT the smartport, and NOT sbus.  I am running mine with a D4R-II receiver, and the jdrones IO board software running on an arduino pro mini that I bought from sparkfun.

    More info in this thread

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