Telemetry link and microhard

Hi! I want to share the telemetry of my PIXHawk 2 with a microhard telemetry 900 Mhz Bridge (no 3dr , no RFD), anyone have some suggestions about the configuration of the modem for streming mavlink messages?I tried to use microhard modules p400 ... the radios between them connect without any problem and seem to be alive during the passage of Mavlink messages but I can not establish the connection with the mission Planner (no heartbeat)

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  • can you share microhard parameters which you set
  • Yes I can safely send data (with terminal) between the two modules with a baudrate of 57600. doing some tests I saw that the parameters of sync and length of the packages affect the reception of mavlink messages but still I could not connect mission planners ...
  • can you connect both to PC and communicate via putty on each.. and type on putty terminal to see data will be transfeed corectly to other one.
  • Yes the radios are configured as a master and iuna as a slave in the Point to Point configuration
  • Hi Federico, did you configure microhards one is Slave other is Master should be.
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