Telemetry on Aurora9 Transmitter

I have built two Telemetry sensor stations base on Arduino Pro Mini board that gives me one RPM, one Temp, all gps data, and voltage and current on the transmitter display.

I also added total current used (displayed in RPM 2 field on the transmitter).

My question here is, I have been modifying the code to use the MavLink messages to display GPS, I also wanted to display the flight mode in Temp3 display, current waypoint in Temp2.

I decode WAYPOINT_CURRENT (#42) but it only changes just as the waypoint changes, the rest of the time it is 0. Is there a message that gives the current waypoint all the time?

Next SYSTEM_TIME_UTC (#4) message doesn't seem to go off at all. Is there a way to get this message sent from the APM.


Burt Green

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  • Can you share me your code from the arduino pro ??

    I'm a Aurora 9 owner and i was dreaming about telemetry from apm2 to my aurora 9 ^^

  • I am working on trying to monitor a quadcopter's gps location from a separate arduino, but I am having trouble finding how to decode the mavlink being transmitted from the quadcopter's xbee to ground station. It looks like you have accomplished this and more. Can you post the code you used or walk me through the process you used to decode the mavlink?



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