Hello, im a relatively new user of ardupilot/misson planner. I'm setting up a new quad with apm 2.8 and sik telemetry clone modules from e-bay. Telemetry modules came working well out of the box, meaning i connected the ground module to the laptop, windows installed the drivers, i connected the air module to apm, powered it up, and a few seconds later both modules green leds were steady.. meaning both of them "found" each other. I selected the right com port in mission planner, changed baud rate to 57600 and i managed to connect wirelessly without any errors. I was able to even see the horizon changing accordingly all through the telemetry module connection. At the same time i was reading the configuration guides in http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-configuring-a-telemetry-radio-using-mission-planner.html

and after i loaded the settings in the 3dr section of optional hardware in mission planner, i noticed that the  max window and  tx power default parameters were different to the ones in the ardupilot guide. I left the max window parameter unchanged, and moved on to changing air speed to 96 (64 was default) and the tx power to 20 (my default was 11). I clicked on Copy Required Items to Remote and then pressed Save Settings. The moment i did that, the telemetry modules became unbound, (green led blinking - meaning they're trying to find each other) and ever since that moment, i can't get them to pair up again. I was quite frustrated since i followed the guide letter to letter, and now i can't the modules to link. Any suggestions other than getting new ones?


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