TeraRanger connected to arduino

Hi all,

I am working on a project involving distance sensors used for avoidance collision and I was wondering if any of you guys have experience with it? I am using the TeraRanger One.

Currently I am facing difficulties on the serial monitor output of the Arduino. We are using the Arduino Nano. Uploaded the data that we got from the Arduino. Does anybody have an idea of what the code should be like to display what the teraRanger is reading? Thanks !

TeraRanger Display.txt

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  • Any serial connection should do, it even works on android if connected with a usb to serial dongle. Anything in arduino that can read serial should do

  • Hi Paul, do you have any idea on how to use it with the arduino? I am trying to find a code that will work in arduino ,at reading the TeraRanger.

    Paul Meier said:

    I am also playing with a teraranger, when I connect it to my pc using serial to usb with minicom or a terminal it outputs the distance in mm, so guessing from your file ardu is adding some numbers

  • I am also playing with a teraranger, when I connect it to my pc using serial to usb with minicom or a terminal it outputs the distance in mm, so guessing from your file ardu is adding some numbers

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