Testing with stabilization mode question

I have this setup running. I have arduPilot with blue arduPilot shield along with ublox gps and arduIMU. In fly by wire and stabilization mode without the blue  arduPilot shield, these two modes work perfectly. However, when I put the shield on the arduPilot board, these modes no longer work. And I think it's because the wire from tx on the arduIMU to RXi on the arduPilot board is ok without the shield, but when the shield is on.... the female connector on the shield is not connected to the Rxi on the arduPilot board. How do I get this to work with the shield?

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  • Ok. I have solved the problem. This is where the new connecting point is on the blue arduPilot shield.

    If you will notice, in the following picture, the Rxi (in) pin goes from the arduPilot board, up to the blue arduPilot shield, and then runs over to another "in" pin on the blue shield. So the new connection should be from the tx pin on the arduIMU to the "in" pin on the blue shield.

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