Thanks diydrones for new jobs

Hello everyone,

I do not write much posts here. I am just happy to read posts of others here. There is an interesting article about technology and employment relation. We can be all happy that diydrones comunity is technology domain creating jobs when other domains cuts them. Article is looong, but try read the beginning at least.

Here it is:

All the best to you!


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  • Hi Petr,  thanks for posting the link. As the Rock Man once said: "... You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear."  So it will be with readers of this article. I have an uncomfortable feeling that the article fairly summarizes a trend across many countries today. And I think that these statements are probably accurate: “It will change every profession in ways we have barely seen yet,...” and "Even if the economy is only going through a transition, it is an extremely painful one for many." On a brighter note, the diydrones community has led to jobs, and that's a good thing as you point out. Here's a link to information about the growing number of applications for civilian drones.

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