If you are new to FPV, keep it simple, the more complex the system is, the more likely it is fail. In the simplest sense, FPV RC requires several basic components:
RC FPV Aircraft: 
Keywords: comfortable, easy to control, slow, stable, reliable
Plane, helicopter, or multirotor are the most common choices, quads like DJI, without question, will be a lot of people's consideration. But if you are a beginner, there is absolutely nothing easy about getting into FPV, crashes are common! So try some simple gadgets.
FPV Camera:
Keywords: CCD or CMOS, NTSC or PAL, size, image definition (TVL), field of view (FOV)
CCD type cameras have better low light & high light level performance, and is almost always the better choice for FPV. The groundbreaking AKK CA20 can bring you a whole new experience.
NTSC is the primary analog video system in North America and PAL is primarily used in Europe, and most FPV components will support both types today. The lower the focal length number, the wider the FOV (sees more of the environment but fish eye starts appearing). 500 to 700 TVL is fine for most people, and high TVL of resolution will cost more.
FPV Video Transmitter:
Keywords: frequency, the output power level, channels, connection type
4 basic frequencies: 900MHz, 1.2&1.3GHz, 2.3 & 2.4GHz, 5.8GHzLow frequency means signal can penetrate large buildings and obstacles, but a larger antenna will be needed, and image is not so good, noise and interference are common. 5.8GHz is the most popular choice today, the only problem is that it cannot penetrate obstacles, but it can be the best choice for a beginner. And there are many such transmitters on the market, AKK K31Mini AV FPV Transmitter is pretty much standard so you won't have any trouble fitting it to your quad. It's antenna decide your range, not powerful transmitters, thus 600mW is the extreme. Different transmit channels are available for FPV video transmitters today, thus you can tune-up your setup. Not all TX & RX systems (even if they are in the same bands) transmit on the same exact channels. Make sure your transmitter is compatible with your receiver channels. 
FPV Antennas:
Key Words: Polarization, Direction, Frequency
Four basic antennas:
1. Linear Polarized Omni Directional Antenna
2. Linear Polarized Directional Antenna(AKK KP11)
3. Circular Polarized Omni Directional Antenna(AKK L1)
4. Circular Polarized Directional Antenna
Circular polarization is more suitable for beginner for the reason that reflected RF interference can be avoided. Omni directional can be a better choice if you don't need to improve the video range and just have fun. As for frequency, just make sure you get the correct frequency antennas for your system.

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