Im doing a thermal image mosaic from an Optris thermal video capture.
First of all i've got to take snapshots of the video in order to get thermal images to work with. Second i've got to try some alignament with no georeferencing and theres when the problems come. No software can align that pics (software like agisoft or pix4D), and when trying another kind of software (like MS Ice) it get many distorsion.
Any idea on how to do it?
PS; I didnt mention, but to make it worse, it's not a cuadrangular surface, it's a longitudinal infraestructure with no side overlap.
Done from OPTRIS
hola, por favor me podrias ayudar con el tema de ortoimagen con camara termica pues tengo el sensor Aero Therm UC y no he podido generar la ortoimagen, mis imagnes estan en formatoi tiff y cuando las subo a Agisoft la imagenes quedan en tono gris perdiendo las tonalidades termicas.
Habitat Estudios Ambientales s.l said:
We work with Agisoft and we ortoimagen with thermal camera. Maybe missing more frontal and lateral overlap between frames. Extract frames from video more of the thermal camera.