Hi, I have always wanted a drone so when I saw a special from Drone world for the Red Arrow drone I bought one. Slogan for this drone is "A drone anyone can fly" ....... Not so easy as they make it sound.

1st few attempts to fly this drone ended up being a nightmare, broken all the props including the spares.  Managed to get 1 pair of spare props from Drone world but getting additional props is a problem, they do not have any more in stock and it seems as if they are not going to be getting any additional stock for this drone.

According to the manual the motors are 2204 brushless kv2200. It is threaded and the props are installed clock and anti-clock wise.

Does any one perhaps have any idea where I can obtain props to fit these motors, I am sure the Red Arrow drone is not the only one using this specific motor.

Any ideas or help with this will really be appreciated.

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