Throtte & arm/disarm problems

2 remaining problems then I'll be ready to fly my APM2.5 quad! Help!

I cannot arm/disarm with my t9x transmitter, but can do so via Mission Planner. I had it working for a while, but I cannot adjust trim, etc to fix it.

Also the throttle jumps from 0% to 13%, nothing in between. I calibrated the radio & the ESCs, and it works somewhat until I connect MP to look at it on the Status page. Back to 0% to 13% jump..
Help appreciated1

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  • How dumb! My little $30 quad is Mode 2, my Turnigy is Mode 1. I bumped the throttle trim down a notch to make it a full zero I guess, and did the LEFT stick to the right & arm/disarm works fine. Lesson learned.

    As for the 0 to 13% jump on the throttle, I'll just have to avoid the irratic dead space. Strange that the problem didn't occur during the ESC calibration.

    About ready to fly. Planning on a real quickie. 3 modes, automatically. takeoff, stabilize, & land, as fast as I can. I've read about the $500 flyaway/dissipears flights.

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