Throttle out won't work on APM

I am having a problem with my APM v1.0. I had the unit up and running as advertised with no issues, however, I did suffer a small crash with no obvious physical damage to the APM or the IMU. Since then, I have had no output to the esc from APM. The speed controller has been tested and works the reciever works and all other channels work on the APM. When I connect a servo to the throttle channel on the APM the servo works. When I connect the ESC to another channel, the motor works on that channel. I have run the radio tests and PWM tests and there are no obvious errors. I have also reloaded the APM code as well as re doing the setup and re loading the PPM encoder. At this point I am stuck. I would appreciate any input from the group.



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  • also forgot to mention that I have tried multiple ESC's hooked up to APM and the same problem exists.


  • 3D Robotics
    Maybe you damaged the solder joint to that pin? It's also possible to fry an output pin with a short. Maybe in your crash, the ESC shorted the signal pin?

    BTW, not sure what you mean by APM V1.0. Are you referring to hardware or software?
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