Throttle output in auto modes

Hello APM community!


First time user of the APM software, been using the AC2 code for a while now and I decided to try something new :)


I've setup my APM with the latest code through mission planner and I'm tyring to do some ground tests before flying tomorrow. I have a problem with throttle output in all auto modes during ground tests. All control surfaces and throttle responds in manual mode as expected but when I switch to either RTL, stabilize, or Fly-by-wire A, the throttle cuts(motor stops). In these modes the gyro stabilization is working(I can see my elevons responding correctly to movements of the plane), but no throttle...throttle command resumes again when switching to manual. Is this normal? What am I doing wrong?

My second question is regarding the auto_trim feature, I have to setup some subtrims on my elevons to compensate for imperfections in the EPP mounts of the servos, when I switch from manual mode to stablize or fbwa while holding the plane at startup level position, I notice that the elevons stay in the exact same position. I assume this is because the APM reads the trims from the radio input and assumes this is neutral, I read somewhere on the wiki that this is the auto_trim function but that the define statment must  enabled in order for this to work. Am I correct to assume that this is now enabled by default?(sorry not able to svn the latest release to check the code myself)


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  • Another update, after looking through the revisions of some of the code files and running diff, I figured out that the code loaded by the mission planner is different even from the latest code publised on the downloads tab of the project, which I believe for at least 3 or 4 revisions back is the same main code from the svn. I'm now confused as to where the latest code is because whatever is being loaded by the MP(2.2.1) is not the same as the what's in the zip file on the downloads tab. Anyway, I releaded the latest code again through the MP and surprise surprise, the throttle issue is now gone. I assume that the initial problem was due to bad values in the eeprom, because the only difference when I loaded the MP code this time is that I ran the setup wizard which starts by doing an "erase". Am I on the right track?

  • hello again,

    fixed some network issues with my PC and got svn to work. I downloaded the previous revision(2.2.0) from the repository and compiled with arduino. The throttle problem is no longer there. I think there is a problem with the latest 2.2.1 code release. Can someone please verfiy?

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