I have a Walkera DEVO7 and when i turn my TX off

the values of the throttle wont go down... so i basically the fail safe wont work...

if i put the throttle up to 1900 and turn the tx off, the values stay at 1900 ...crazy!

of course i did all the radio calibration... is my receiver or tx or apm acting wrong?

di i miss anything?

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  • as always... i figure it out by myself!

    hope help somebody

    you need to set

    FUNCTION > SAFE > THRO > SAFE > (press EXT down again) 125%

    so the PWM will be 1000 when OFF, 1100 when ON

    and failsafe value can be then 1085

    • better set 1070 or 1050 value to avoid FS_THR_value alarm

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