throttle up upon start up

Hello everyone. I assure you ive searched but can find an answer....

Just completed first time setup and everything is looking good BUT when i plug in my battery the throttle runs up to ~20% and will not stop. 

What i have checked:
- Radio end points correct (calibrated 3-4 times)
- Min PWM for throttle fail safe are normal
- RC3_MIN is correct value compared to the info provided in the radio calibration screen
- Radio RX/TX work normally independently of APM (not ESC failsafe)
- TX is dead-center trimmed

Any help would be much appreciated. This noob wants to get in the air! 

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  • One thing I didn't see mentioned is whether you have completed the ESC calibration procedure. Take a look at this page and see if it helps. If not then one of the Grand Masters will have to help. ESC-Motor Calibration



    • Hello Butch thank you for the input but the link is for mutirotor and i am working on a fixed wing. There doesn't seem to be an ESC calibration in the setup process for fixed wing craft. Maybe I'm missing something 

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