Hey all, I'm a total newbie when it comes to designing and wiring drones. I have some experience flying a Parrot AR Drone and now I'd like to create my own drone.
Would you recommend that I start with a rover/ground vehicle or a flying drone? It feels like a ground vehicle is the safer way to go since it won't get destroyed as fast if I mess up.
Also: what would a reasonable budget be?
I don't have any specific objectives for the drone yet, other than to gain experience putting one together, getting some soldering experience and learning how to use the Ardu-boards.
Hope you can help!
UAV rovers and plane/copters are totally different animals with different requirements. The ArduPlane and ArduCopter code is very mature and updates frequently. Presently the ArduRover community is using modded ArduPlane code which is less than optimal. If you want a mature product I would go with the ArduPlane or ArduCopter. If you are willing to wait for the ArduRover code to mature you might want to go that way. If you have never flown an R/C plane then you will have to learn that skill along with implementation of the auto pilot of your choice.