Tower Crashing on 3dr Radios connecting to pixhawk/auavx2

Hey all, I have an issue when trying to connect my quad (auavx2) and hex (pixhawk) to my phone toting the latest beta of Tower. Every time I hit connect, within 5-10 seconds my Samsung Galaxy S6 will restart itself without warning. This same failure happens on two different S6's, one even after a factory reset. If i use my old phone or my tablet, they connect fine so it seems to be related to the phone itself. I am currently using the tablet but it is inconvenient and does not have mobile data so it is not the ideal ground station. Can anyone offer any insight that might help me be able to correct this behavior? 

Is there a way to see a log of what exactly causes a phone to restart?

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  • how are you plugging things in what sequence? mine crashes too if I plug in radio first before turning on the Pix....its strange but try moving your connection sequence around see what happens

    • My situation was that the Version 1 radios didn't like to work with Tower or the 3Dr services. Uninstalling 3Dr services, and using Droidplanner actually worked. Version2 radios worked with Droiplanner and Tower. For Tower I had to reinstall the 3Dr services. Results were the same with two different tablets.

  • I had to use Droid Planner with the AUAVx2, as it would not work with the 3Dr services installed on my Android tablets. I was also using the version 1 telemetry radios for what its worth. Try uninstalling 3Dr services and using Droidplanner.

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