I flew my tricopter for the second time today. My maiden flight went pretty well and I figured I could fly it again without issues.

All was going well until I switched from loiter mode to stabilize mode. My throttle lever was a little low when I switched to stabilize mode, so the copter started descending.

I increased the throttle to compensate, but nothing happened. When it started falling faster, I went to full throttle. No response.


My Setup
  • Pixhawk running Arducopter 3.2.1
  • Afro 30Amp ESCs
  • 800KV TMotors
  • 12X3.8 props
  • 4500mAh 30C battery

I've attached the log file from the incident. Can someone with more experience than me have a look and see what could have caused it? I created a custom graph in mission planner which leads me to believe it's the ESC's.





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  • Yes, I try with too little props for my motors and was caotic. Happy you can solve it, and thank's to share your results, shure for others going to be usefull ;)

  • In case anyone was wondering... My props were too weak. I was using 12x3.8 and I should be using 13x6. I installed some 12x6 props and it recovers fine now.
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