Tricopter got the leans

I have recently gotten in to a problem that i used to have on my kk 2.0 witch i have found out is reffered to  as "the Leans"

Meaning that after a short flight time of forward flight or aggressive flying the self leveling is not level at all but maybe up to 10-20 degrees off level

The first time i noticed it was in this video:

and as you can see it caught me by surprise so i was not able to recover it.

On my kk board i found out that vibrations and temperature changes could cause this.

so i have worked hard to get rid of vibrations since then.

i have attached IMU logs off the accelerometers on my APM running AC 3.0.1

So my question is: why would this start suddenly and not go away? hardware issue?

or: do i still have too much vibrations?


2013-08-21 23.06.52.jpg

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