Tried 2.0.40, still no joy

Hi all, installed 2.0.40 yesterday and re done all of my radio and esc calibration, I had high hopes for loiter mode having heard other peoples good reports, however it was dissapointing to find that it was the same old same old, with altitude surges and wandering about until it had to be quickly swithched back to stabilize to prevent a crash, I am at a complete loss as to what to do next, I hope someone can help. I have attached an image of my flightpath that shows only the times I was in loiter mode, I have also attached my log file, can someone explain what the values shown mean and how to interperate them.3690888211?profile=original

2011-09-10 02-26 1.log

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  • Developer

    I had a look at the logs. It looks lik your PIDs are at fault. They don't seem to be aggressively returning you to your Loiter WP.

    A slow copter will start to get I-term induced overshoot so let's focus on LOITER_P and NAV_P.


    LOITER_P is calculated on the fly based on how fast we want you to fly from 4m away to center. So don't bother changing that.

    NAV_P is how much pitch to give to achieve the desired rate. That seems low for you. By default that's 2.0. Try and increase that to 2.4 or 2.5 and give it a go. Up to 3 if you like.


    If you are compiling with Arduino instead of the mission planner you can set up Channel 6 to tune this value dynamically.





  • 3D Robotics

    What airframe are you using? It's rock solid on all the standard ArduCopter frames we've tried (and we've tried a lot), both 10" and 12" prop sizes. If you do have a standard frame, check that the motors/arms are all aligned right.


    Or you may have a sensor issues: check that your mag is working right and sonar is working and positioned as per the manual. Check that your baro sensor is covered. 


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