Trouble connecting to Iris+ via MAVProxy

I'm trying to connect with my 3DR Iris+ through the 3DR telemetry radios and MAVProxy but am running into some issues. I can plug the drone directly into my computer via microUSB and connect just fine, but when I make that link through the telemetry radio I'm getting a lot of weird output and I can't send commands, change modes, etc. like I can when it's directly connected. Has anyone else experienced similar issues/are there any special parameters I need to pass through the command line when connecting via the telemetry radios?

Thanks in advance!

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  • hey @Osprey, which commands are u using? I'm having the same issues with my iris+. I'm trying to connect via dronekit-python, but I tried via MAVProxy, and nothing as well. I think I'm using a wrong ip or something. Are there any hardware changes that I need to do or so? I just pressed a button until the led became red and then I waited another LED became green and then I plugged the usb radio into my computer.Thanks in advance.

  • Developer

    my best guess is you need to add "--baudrate 57600"

    • THANK YOU! Everything is working now.

      • hey @Osprey, which commands are u using? I'm having the same issues with my iris+. I'm trying to connect via dronekit-python, but I tried via MAVProxy, and nothing as well. I think I'm using a wrong ip or something. Thanks in advance.

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