Trouble Connecting via USB to Mavlink

I am trying to connect via USB and each time I try to connect with COM4 or COM1 it shoots me an error. I get the "HeatBeat" timeout error or something of the sort. Anyways I have not been able to connect to it at all and nor do I know what needs to be done to connect. If anyone can help me by giving me any info at all it would be greatly appreciated. I have the latest MP and I am attempting to setup the ArduCopter for the first time but I am having no luck. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Admin


    What Autopilot are you using? APM or PX4 or ? Are you using Windows or a Mac OS or Linux?

    If it is an APM you should have a com port that says: COMXX Arduino Mega 2560 (COMXX)

    If it is a PX4 you should have a com port that says: COMXX PX4 FMU v1.6 (COMXX)

    Hope this helps.



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