Posted by
Avalerion on May 27, 2011 at 8:24am
This is really a two part question since I've been unable to find a definitive answer.1- What is the difference between v1.02 and the current v2.12 of APM? My impression is that v2.12 offers newer features, just recently came out of beta, etc.2- My rudder and elevator only plane seems to be OK in FBWA and Stabilize, and when I switch to Auto or RTL, I not only have control over the throttle and movement, but it does a snake-y figure 8 and never makes it to waypoint 1.I've attached a picture of my PIDs and the path (all the weird loops are on RTL or AUTO).Screen shot 2011-05-27 at 11.23.58 AM.png
PID Values.png
2. It sounds like your nav_roll gains are to high. Have a read of this (point 6 specifically) it will explain all:
Good luck!